During the period of breastfeeding an excellent drink to help with hydration is water, although milk is also usually very effective as it provides the much-needed calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients. Fruit juices are also helpful although without adding additional flavouring, sugar and colours these are also healthy choices for remaining hydrated whilst breastfeeding. It’s also far better to try and avoid caffeine during this time. Coconut water is also rich in potassium and chloride and can also replace electrolytes within the body. Electrolyte drinks have proven to be extremely beneficial as they provide all the essential minerals which assist with regulating and maintaining various bodily functions including muscle contraction, fluid imbalance and nerve signalling. Electrolytes have been recommended as they are so effective for breastfeeding mothers who would otherwise be subject to losing these much-needed electrolytes through their breast milk.


There are several ways in which to consume electrolytes naturally and one such method is by eating various food sources that contain a higher concentration of electrolytes including watermelon, pickles, tomatoes, potatoes, prunes, tofu, beetroot, salted nuts, pretzels, crackers deli meats, smoked salmon, canned beans, other types of vegetables, seeds, legumes, avocados, dairy products, white meat and poultry, bananas and spinach. In addition to all these food products and sources, drinking still or sparkling water and coconut water or electrolyte-infused waters as well as healthy electrolyte drinks which are all available natural sources of electrolytes.


Although these electrolyte energy drinks are safe to consume while a mother is breastfeeding, some factors should be taken into consideration during this time. The amount of these liquid drinks being consumed and also the frequency of drinking them needs to be measured as although small amounts or quantities are unlikely to cause any long-term effects to the baby, they can still result in causing some fussiness, insomnia or other temporary discomforts or effects. In addition to this some infants can show some sensitivities towards these types of drinks and display some increased irritability or sleep disturbances when being exposed to these substances through the breastmilk.


An imbalance of electrolytes occurs when the body is dehydrated, and a person starts to experience a breakdown in their normal functioning. During the period of pregnancy, dehydration can be especially dangerous because both water and electrolytes are essential for the growth and development of the foetus. The placenta also requires water to transfer the essential nutrients between the mother and her baby. Consuming the correct and recommended amount and quantity of electrolytes is extremely important during pregnancy otherwise it can lead to various complications such as muscle cramps or spasms and weakness an irregular or faster heart rate, headaches and fatigue. However, by consuming the Best electrolyte drink for breastfeeding ensures that sufficient levels of sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine and phosphorus remain intact and are safe, therefore consuming electrolytes during pregnancy and afterwards during breastfeeding is vitally beneficial and important.


During nursing and breastfeeding a baby requires a substantial amount of energy which is being absorbed from the mother, therefore consuming electrolytes, particularly sources containing potassium and magnesium plays an essential role in energy production and storage within the cells of the body. This will offer several health benefits and advantages including muscle health, supporting the functioning of the nerves, supporting the energy system and levels and resorting to any type of hydration which can also help and improve milk production. Remaining hydrated during the nursing period is vital for both the baby and the mother, as well as helping to allow the body to have an energy boost and source whenever it’s needed which also assists with feeding the baby. These electrolytes provide essential and crucial nutrients and sources by restoring hydration and remaining hydrated and storing energy levels for both the mother and the baby.